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Our brew guide for the February 2023 box

Our brew guide for the February 2023 box

Find the perfect recipes to brew the yummy coffees from our February 2023 Coffeevine box as well as our GEMS #9 limited edition.

A few days ago, the sun was shining in the most glorious wintery fashion and today, as I type this brew guide, it’s back to grey skies and rain. That’s how it is in this time of year. We get glimpses of spring and then mother nature is like: nope.

And so we end up spending more time indoors, brewing delicious coffees and making future plans. I really love this selection of coffees for February because they showcase a lovely range of flavours and introduce you to some brand new roasters who have not been featured in any of our boxes before.

Rozali from Berlin, Neighbourhood Coffee from Liverpool and TOMA CAFÉ from Madrid all made their Coffeevine debut this month and I hope that you will enjoy their coffees as much as I did. This also includes a recipe for our GEMS #9 edition.

My playlist this month features a bunch of nice tunes from artists who I am really digging right now. Be sure to leave a comment down below to let me know which coffee you loved the most and what your own personal recipe was. Enjoy!

Basic Setup

As in any good kitchen or bar, you want to be sure to have a few key items at your disposal that will aid you in preparing a delicious cup of coffee.

These include:

    • Scales (with or without a timer – you can use your phone or your watch)
    • A good quality burr grinder such as the Comandante Grinder
    • Your favourite brew method (Origami, Kalita Wave, V60, AeroPress etc)
    • A clean vessel for brewing and decanting
    • A ladle or stirrer for agitating the grounds
    • Water for brewing
    • A pouring kettle but a regular kettle will also do, however, it requires more precision

Feel free to take a look around our shop to see if there are things that you might like. We have a nice selection of items from Timemore and other brands to help you brew delicious coffees.

It’s very important to always freshly grind your coffee just before preparation because coffee is very volatile and quickly loses its full aroma in a matter of minutes.

You can also vacuum pack your coffee in portions, name and number each batch and then keep it in a dry cool place or put it in the freezer. More information about freshness and how to rest your coffees can be found in this article.

For espresso, I use my home espresso machine, a Profitec Pro600 espresso machine and a Profitec ProT64 grinder.

My recipe for the OREA V3:

I really love this sturdy dripper and the fact that you can exchange the base for different colours and designs. It’s pretty cool. So, for this recipe, I am working with 20g of coffee ground medium-fine.

Prepare your brewer by rinsing the paper filter with some freshly boiled water, add the coffee and give it a good tap to make sure the bed is even. This brewer is quite tall and has a narrow opening so you want to pour pretty precisely. Start your timer and add 50g of water for a 30 second bloom. Then, add 50g more to reach 100g, when the timer reaches 1:00 minute, add another 100g in slow precise pours and when the timer hits 1:30 minutes, add the remaining 120g to reach 320g. Total brew time should be 2:45 minutes.

Let the coffee drain completely, remove the brewer and then let cool slightly before enjoying.

Rozali’s recipe for filter:

V60 with a 60g/ 1lt ratio. 30g ground coffee with 300ml water at 98°C with a brew time of 2:30–3:00 minutes. Depending on desired outcome, a longer brew time will give more sweetness with some black tea and sweet berry notes while a faster brew time will provide more clarity and highlight the peach note.

Rozali’s recipe for espresso:

18g of coffee with a yield of 46–52 g of espresso. 28–32 seconds of brew time. A longer yield will lead to more clarity.

Neighbourhood’s recipe for filter:

V60: 15g coffee ground medium-fine. Boil filtered water to 93°C, add 45g of water and bloom for 30 seconds. Then, add 190g of water, pouring in a circular motion until you reach 235g total. Brew time will be around 2:30 minutes.

Neighbourhood’s recipe for espresso:

18g coffee ground fine for espresso. Aim for 36-39g of espresso over 23-28 seconds extraction.

TOMA CAFÉ’S recipe for filter:

V60 or Origami Dripper. 20g coffee with 300g of water. Brew between 3:00- 3:30 minutes. Temperature 92°C.

TOMA CAFÉ’S recipe for espresso:

18g in – 36g out. Extraction between 26 – 29 seconds.

Standout Coffee’s (from our GEMS #9 edition) recipe for filter:

V60: Rinse your filter with freshly boiled water and then add 15g of ground coffee. Start the timer and pour the first 50g of water at 93°C. The first pour should take 10 seconds and the bloom should last for 30 seconds. Then add 50g more, for the second ‘bloom’, after 1:00 minute, add the remaining 150g to reach 250g of water in a slightly slower pour. Make sure you work your way around the brewer to properly agitate the coffee. Brew time should be 2:30 minutes.

What did you think of these recipes and the coffees from the February 2023 Coffeevine box? Let me know in the comments down below and make sure you subscribe in time for the upcoming March 2023 Coffeevine box or browse our shop for some super cool accessories and other items you might love.

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