Coffeevine brew guide for September 2024

Coffeevine brew guide for September 2024

Our monthly brew guide containing custom recipes from our September 2024 Coffeevine edition partners to help you brew like a champ!

In my previous guide, I said summer was in fully swing and indeed it was. It lasted all the way to now. Saturday the 7th of September was one of the hottest days in a while and we were all sweltering in the heat.

Luckily, a fresh and cool cup of cold brew was not too far away and brought immediate relief. Now, we’re starting to look at the last few months of the year and people are already starting to put up the Christmas decorations. Sheesh, can we just have a minute please?

Anyway, here’s the brew guide to the September 2024 Coffeevine box with delicious coffees from Miga, Coffee Collective, Dalston, Wyndhams, Bloom and Uncommon. Enjoy!

Basic Setup

As in any good kitchen or bar, you want to be sure to have a few key items at your disposal that will aid you in preparing a delicious cup of coffee.

These include:

    • Scales (with or without a timer – you can use your phone or your watch)
    • A good quality burr grinder such as the Comandante Grinder
    • Your favourite brew method (Origami, Kalita Wave, V60, AeroPress etc)
    • A clean vessel for brewing and decanting
    • A ladle or stirrer for agitating the grounds
    • Water for brewing. I mix my own using the Lotus mineral drops. I’ll share a recipe soon!
    • A pouring kettle but a regular kettle will also do, however, it requires more precision

It’s very important to always freshly grind your coffee just before preparation because coffee is very volatile and quickly loses its full aroma in a matter of minutes.

You can also vacuum pack your coffee in portions, name and number each batch and then keep it in a dry cool place or put it in the freezer.

For espresso, I use my home espresso machine, a Profitec Pro600 espresso machine and a Profitec ProT64 grinder.

Miga Coffee’s recipe for filter:

Brewer: V60 Dosage: 18g of coffee Grind: Medium-fine Water: 280g Temperature: 91°C

Rinse your paper filter and add the coffee to the brewer. Use a fast pre-infusion with 40g for 20 seconds. Then, add your water in two straight pours of 120g each.

Miga Coffee’s recipe for espresso:

Dosage: 17g Grind size: Fine Yield: 45g Extraction time: 26 – 30 seconds

Coffee Collective’s recipe for filter:

Brewer: Kalita Dosage: 16g of coffee Grind: Medium-fine Water: 250g Temperature: 94°C

Start with a 30g bloom for 30 seconds and then pour your remaining water in one continous pour. Total brew time should be around 1:45 minutes.

Coffee Collective’s recipe for espresso:

Dosage: 19g Yield: 40g Extraction time: 25 – 30 seconds.

Dalston Coffee’s recipe for filter:

Brewer: Kalita Dosage: 20g of coffee Grind: Medium-fine Water: 320g Temperature: 93°C

Start with a 25 second bloom using 80g of water. Then, add up to 150g of water. At 1:00 minute, add up to 250g. At 1:30 minutes, pour the remaining 70g of water. Give the brewer a gentle swirl and wait for the coffee to drain completely.

Dalston Coffee’s recipe for espresso:

Dosage: 18g Yield: 40g Extraction time: 27 seconds

Wyndhams’ recipe for filter:

Brewer: V60 Dosage: 26g of coffee Grind: Medium-fine Water: 400g Temperature: 95°C

Begin with rinsing your paper filter. Then add the coffee and make a well in the middle. Start with a 30 second bloom with 52g of water. Then add the remaining first 60% of your water to the brewer (300g in total). After 1:00 minute, add the remaining 40% (100g) of water. Stir the coffee twice left and twice right. Avoid touching the coffee bed.

Bloom’s recipe for filter:

Brewer: V60 Dosage: 15g of coffee Grind: Medium-fine Water: 250g Temperature: 95°C

Start with a 45 second bloom using 40g of water. Then pour up to 150g and swirl. After 1:00 minute, add the remaining 100g of water and swirl again.

What did you think of these recipes and and the coffees themselves? Feel free to leave a comment down below to share your own recipes and favourite brew methods.

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