Get excited with us for the delicious September 2024 edition

Get excited with us for the delicious September 2024 edition

The upcoming September 2024 edition will feature Miga, Coffee Collective, Dalston, Wyndhams, Bloom and Uncommon

Thanks to the late arrival of summer, it’s literally only been really hot during the last two to three weeks. I mean, some might say, better late than never but as I type this, I am already thinking about autumn. Gosh, the year is really flying by and I think once it’s over, I will look back at 2024 with awe. So much has already happened and so much more is still in the pipeline. No matter, for what it’s worth, I am going to continue enjoying the beautiful weather for as long as it lasts and in the process, enjoy brewing the fabulous coffees that I picked out for the upcoming September 2024 edition. Let’s take a look.


Miga Coffee Roasters from Raciborz, Poland

Since my partner and future husband is Polish, I am always excited to showcase Polish roasters. They are some of the most amicable and ambitious people in the European coffee scene and regularly reach out to me to work together. One of the newest names I am thrilled to introduce you to in September is Miga Coffee Roasters. Based in the small town of Raciborz near the Czech border, Miga Coffee Roasters was founded by Wojtek Kamiński, an Arabica Q Grader and WCEP SCA judge who decided to set up shop in this picturesque town and proved everyone wrong who said he couldn’t succeed in such a small town.

Miga Coffee Roasters supplies a growing number of cafés all over Poland and in other European countries and it will roast for us our first-ever infused coffee. This is a strawberry-infused lot from Finca El Mirador in Colombia that really tickled my tastebuds on the cupping table the other day. While infused coffees are still somewhat controversial, they are really unsual and exciting, which is why I chose this one for the September box. Expect a very pronounced strawberry cup profile with lots of sweetness.

Available with separate roast profiles for filter and espresso.

Coffee Collective from Copenhagen, Denmark

Coffee Collective has been at the forefront of the European specialty coffee scene ever since it was founded in 2007 by World Barista Champion Klaus Thomsen, Peter Nørgaard Dupont, and Casper Engel Rasmussen. Right off the bat, Coffee Collective tried to change the narrative in the coffee industry by pioneering lighter roast profiles, establishing direct trade relationships, publishing full transparency reports and developing an enviable sustainability regime that now includes 21 hectares of farm land in Denmark that is currently being reforested.

Throughout the past ten years, Coffee Collective has been a loyal Coffeevine supporter and it’s really great to have it back in one of our boxes this September with a classic washed Ethiopian coffee from Aga in Yirgacheffe. Expect a floral and elegant cup profile with pronounced citrus notes.

Available with separate roast profiles for filter and espresso.

Dalston Coffee from Barcelona, Spain

Whenever I visit Barcelona, I feel like there are at least 2-3 new coffee roasters in the city. It has always fascinated me how this Spanish city really carved its own niche in the specialty coffee world and showed other southern Europeans how to successfully establish a vibrant specialty coffee culture that can live side by side with more traditional coffee cultures. Dalston Coffee is one of the more recent arrivals that was set up by former chef Borja Roselló who discovered specialty coffee in the London borough of Dalston. Hence the name.

Its stunning packaging, which recently won a prestigeous Laus award, is a real eyecatcher too. For its Coffeevine debut, Dalston will roast our first Tanzanian coffee in years. It’s a classic washed coffee with a lovely sweet and fruity cup profile.

Available with a single profile for filter and espresso.


Wyndhams from Bridgetown, Barbados

When two dear friends of mine got married in Barbados in 2022, I tried to find out if there was any specialty coffee on the island. Turns out that there was although the local specialty coffee scene is truly miniscule. The island’s most prominent specialty coffee roaster is called Wyndhams and I was lucky enough to meet with its founder Dominic during our stay on the island. He gave my partner Michal, best friend Maxine and I a tour of the roastery and served up some delicious coffee in its training room. I really loved what Dominic was trying to achieve despite many forces working against him, most prominently a very small local market and high taxes on exports to neighbouring islands. But Dominic is undeterred and in September, Wyndhams will finally make its Coffeevine debut with a really lovely extended-natural processed Burundian coffee from Busambo.

Available with a filter roast profile.

Bloom Coffee from Marrakesh, Morocco

About a year ago, I put out a call on Instagram asking my followers to share with me their most exciting global coffee roastery finds. A few people mentioned Bloom Coffee from Morocco as someone I should consider for our Global coffee box. It did take a while before we could get this partnership off the ground but that had primarily to do with Moroccan bureaucracy that Bloom’s founder Tyler Ray had to navigate through. He is am American immigrant living in Morocco who has done an incredible job at helping to establish specialty coffee in the North African country. I’m really excited to give our customers a chance to discover Bloom in September and get to know what Tyler is doing with his pioneering roastery. Bloom will roast a really vibrant anaerobic honey processed Bourbon cultivar from El Salvador’s Vega Ans.

Available with a filter roast profile.


Uncommon from Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Uncommon Coffee is one of my favourite local roasters in Amsterdam and has been a regular Coffeevine partner since its early beginnings as Common Greens. Most recently, Uncommon opened a classy new coffee bar serving a frozen menu of microlots and wild pastries that has been the talk of the town. I invited Uncommon to be our decaf partner for September because it happened to have the same delicious Colombian decaf from Popayán that we featured in August roasted by Stooker. This coffee just tastes so good that I thought, why change a winning pick?

Available with a filter roast profile.

We bring you one step closer to the world’s best roasters.

Find the complete selection of coffees for September in our shop now.

You can order this selection until 15.09.2024 / All September boxes will ship on 20.09.2024

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