Les Révélations: The world’s first decaf specialty coffee roaster?

Les Révélations: The world’s first decaf specialty coffee roaster?

Meet Les Révélations, the daring French roastery that puts the finest decaf specialty coffees at the core of its exciting seasonal offerings.

I am regularly browsing Instagram profiles of prospective roasters to see if there are any exciting new names out there that I would like to feature in one of our Coffeevine boxes. Recently, I made a very curious discovery that immediately got my attention. I seemed to have found a roaster that only offers decaf coffees and goes by the name of Les Révélations. Could this be true and if so? Who was behind this daring venture?

My next step was to send this company a quick message and before long, I got a reply from its founder Piroska Hunyadi who confirmed that Les Révélations was indeed a new roaster that only sourced the highest quality decaf coffees from the best producers. This very courageous decision was primarily inspired by her own experience with caffeine. After she first discovered specialty coffee in 2020 and began to familiarize herself with the subject and product, she noticed that caffeine was having an adverse effect on her well-being.

I can also speak from experience as I drink a lot of coffee during the day and often find myself suffering from caffeine’s negative effects such as fatigue, restless sleep and lack of focus. It’s funny, isn’t it? Coffee was always sold as this magic potion that would make you a hyper productive machine and people often touted their excessive numbers of daily cups of coffee as some kind of badge of honour. The truth is, coffee, like many other things is best enjoyed in moderation.

Frustrated by the often poor quality decaf coffees available, Piroska went on a mission to find the tastiest lots and together with Q-grader Martin Suard, she set up Les Révélations as a brand that showcases decaffeinated coffees from a completely new side. Roasting is done on a Loring to bring out the best flavours in each coffee and their seasonal lots come from a variety of origins including Ethiopia, Colombia, Panama and more.

I have said many times how much I admire and love French roasters because they are really doing something different and taking big risks. Les Révélations is a great example of yet another roaster that stands out for all the right reasons and it’s thus a big pleasure for us to have it as our decaf partner for the November 2024 Coffeevine edition.

For this, it will roast a super yummy anaerobic natural processed Panamanian Swiss Water decaf from Creativa Coffee District, which sourced lots from various farms in the Hornito, Reinaciemiento and Boquete regions. I remember visiting Boquete many years ago and spending some time touring the coffee farms there. It was a great experience and I am so glad that I can now bring you one of those exceptional coffees as our November decaf pics.

Want to explore the world of exceptional coffees? Then be sure to order yours.

To receive this excellent coffee or to order any of our other offerings, just visit our shop now.

Pre-orders close on 15.11.2024 / Ships globally on 20.11.2024

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