Meet the exquisite March 2025 edition

Meet the exquisite March 2025 edition

The upcoming March 2025 edition will feature a selection of delicious coffess from six talented roasters from around the world.

Greetings friends.

Who knew? It got a lot colder here in The Netherlands in the last few days. When I look out of our bedroom window, I see the canal frozen over for the first time. We only moved into this house a year ago. Today is Valentine’s Day and Michal is sitting in the living room tending to his plants. They’re like his children. We adopted a few new ones at the Garden Center earlier. I don’t know how many times we’ve been there together in the last year but the general feeling is A LOT.

Anyway, enough about that. I am thrilled to share with you the lineup for the upcoming March 2025 Coffeevine edition that will be extra special and delicious. Obviously! Let’s meet the roasters.

European Roasters for March

Cloud Picker – Dublin, Ireland

I’m really happy to have our wonderful friends from Dublin back in one of our Coffeevine boxes. The last time they were featured, they roasted a coffee for our GEMS series of limited edition micro lots. Now, it’s time for a proper return to our main edition. I have been a big fan of Cloud Picker since first meeting the team during the World of Coffee in the Irish capital in 2016.

I love how they are big advocates of supporting the LGBTQIA+ community and that they have always taken sustainability very seriously. For the March 2025 edition, they will roast a classic but delicious washed Guatemalan coffee from El Sendero.

Available with a single roast profile for filter & espresso

Boo Modern Coffee – Brussels, Belgium

This is a brand new roaster that we’ve been trying to get into a Coffeevine edition for months. Founded by friends Benoit and Benjamin who met while working in the same café in 2022. They shared a passion for great coffee and thought that Brussels could do with another aspiring independent coffee roastery. Thus Boo Modern Coffee was born.

We’ve been in talks for a while trying to find the right moment to get these guys featured and finally, the time has come. For its debut, Boo will roast a juicy and fruity washed Burundian coffee from Bumba Hill.

Available with a single roast profile for filter & espresso

The Barn – Berlin, Germany

And another great old friends of the Vine is making a comeback. I still remember how The Barn’s iconic founder Ralf Rüller welcomed me with love and kindness the first time we met what feels like a lifetime ago. Since that day, The Barn has been a regular guest in our editions and is still the most featured roaster of all time. In the years since, The Barn has been on a huge expansion course. It has opened countless cafés in Berlin and expanded to Busan, Mallorca and Munich.

For its long overdue return to The Coffeevine, the team will roast a really sweet and yummy Brazilian coffee from Daterra. This is a natural processed yellow Bourbon.

Available with a single roast profile for filter & espresso

Global Roasters for March

Weekenders – Kyoto, Japan

Also in our Global selection there is another old friend of the Vine in March. I first encountered the team of Weekenders when I was visiting Kyoto with my mate Thomas in 2016. I stumbled upon their iconic café behind the car park in downtown Kyoto and we instantly became friends. Masahiro Kaneko and his wife Ayumi also helped me launch my brand Freshdrip by helping me to do a small batch production run in Japan before launching properly. They were already featured twice before and I just love working with them.

For the March edition, they will be roasting a classic and exquisite washed Ethiopian lot from Gogugu. Imagine florals, citrus and notes of black tea.

Available with a filter roast

Cool Hand – Melbourne, Australia

The second Global roaster for the March edition is a new name from Australia. Founded by Jack Vickars together with a small creative team, Cool Hand aims to highlight personal relationships with farmers that the team has close relationships with. While it’s still a small operation that Jack and his colleagues run as a side hustle, they are very committed to creating a new conversation about coffee culture that highlights ethical sourcing practices, unique flavours and attention to brewing. The coffees he sent in for the cupping last week were all from Wilton Benitez and were all spectacular. However, there could only be one winner.

For its Coffeevine debut in March, Cool Hand will roast for us a washed Colombia variety from Wilton’s Granja Paraiso 92 farm.

Available with a filter roast

Decaf Roaster for March

Giraffe – Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Decaf drinkers can look forward to yet another outstanding example of decaf coffee from El Vergel in Colombia. This farm that is run by Martha Bayter and her two sons Elias and Shady is one of the leaders in Colombia in the field of decaf coffees and El Vergel has been a recurring producer in our Decaf selection. This lot will be roasted by our friends at Giraffe Coffee in Rotterdam, one of the city’s earliest pioneers in specialty coffee and good friends of the Vine for nearly a decade.

This coffee is a sugarcane decaf processed lots consisting of Caturra and Castillo varieties.

Available with a filter roast

We bring you one step closer to the world’s best roasters.

Find the complete selection of coffees for March in our shop now.

You can order this selection until 15.03.2025 / All February boxes will ship on 20.03.2025

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