In our [5/18] coffee box

In our [5/18] coffee box

Delicious, freshly roasted coffees from Mok, The Visit and Taste Map

New month, new lineup. We’re thrilled to share with you the exciting coffees that we selected for our upcoming [5/18] coffee box. Once again we have teamed up with three roasters who will be making their Coffeevine debut in May. During last week’s cupping we tasted and scored a host of different coffees and some deliberation, our experts and us chose the three coffees that we thought tasted best and worked well together.

We’re excited to share these delicious coffees with you next month.



Based in the Belgian city of Leuven, Mok is a boutique specialty coffee roastery through and through. Founded by Jens Crabbé back in 2015, Mok quickly rose to fame amongst specialty coffee lovers in the Western European nation and further afield thanks to Jens’ relentless effort to find, source and roast only beautifully complex and exquisite coffees.

We recently had a chance to visit his Brussels café that acts as a beautiful time capsule of everything Mok stands for and that convinced us to reach out to Jens and ask him to send us some samples of his finest coffees. We’re glad that he came out on top with this exquisite natural Rwanda, the first time we’ve ever featured this kind of coffee before.

Rwanda – Gatare

Red Bourbon – Natural

Peaches, orange & cream


The Visit

Berlin’s coffee roasting scene is pretty busy, with a lot of roasters competing with each other. One of the positive effects that this has is that everyone’s always kept on their toes, consistently working to improve quality. The Visit is a multi-café business whose roasting operation is run by Jasper Springeling who previously worked at Man versus Machine, one of our most favourite German roasters.

We were already planning to work together over a year ago but personell changes at The Visit forced us to postpone. Now we’re glad to pick up the baton anew and finally feature The Visit for the first time with a really tasty washed Rwandan coffee.

Rwanda – Gataba Remera Shade #0405

Red Bourbon – Washed

Papaya, tropical fruit, honey & lime


Taste Map

For us, it’s always exciting when we collaborate with a roaster from a new country. We kind of see ourselves as the United Nations of coffee, bringing together roasters from all over the world and sharing their fine coffees with our customers all over the world. For our [5/18] edition, we’re teaming up with our first ever roaster from Lithuania, a fine micro roastery based in the capital Vilnius.

Between the two, founders Domas Ivonis and Ieva Ivona have a seriously impressive list of awards that prove their ambition, commitment and love of great coffee. It’s our honour to welcome them to The Coffeevine next month.

Honduras – Fernando Alvarado

Catuai and Caturra – washed

Concord grape, lime & wild berries


Are you keen to get your hands on this fine selection of coffees?

Make sure you place your preorder before 15-05 to receive your box shortly after. We ship all orders on 20-05 with global free shipping available to all countries. You can add optional tracking at checkout.


What others have said:

Rafael Conde: “This box is literally the only thing you will ever need to find coffee-happiness.”

Johan Hedberg (Matgeek on Youtube): “Normally people send me tons of stuff for free but I actually pay for my Coffeevine box because I love it so much!”

Tomi Cafferata: “I used to buy my coffee from the supermarket. Now I just get it delivered. Boy, what a difference a box makes!”

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