May ’19 brew guide

May ’19 brew guide

Make the perfect pour over coffee or pull the tastiest espresso shot with the coffees from our May '19 coffee box using the recipes from our roasters

Last Monday we shipped our super delicious May ’19 coffee box filled with three unique coffees from Kiss The Hippo, Shokunin and Sloane Coffee. We had a number of premieres in this box including two new roasters, Kiss The Hippo and Shokunin, one new origin in Myanmar and our first-ever honey-processed Ethiopian coffee. All in all, an epic edition. And to help you get the most out of those beautiful coffees, here is our monthly custom brew guide featuring recipes from each roaster.

Hugs & mugs

Alex from The Coffeevine


Basic setup:

As in any good kitchen or bar, you want to be sure to have a few key items at your disposal that will aid you in preparing a delicious cup of coffee.

These include:

  • Scales (with or without a timer – you can use your phone or your watch)
  • A good quality burr grinder such as the Comandante Grinder
  • Your favourite brew method (Kalita Wave, V60, Aeropress etc)
  • A clean vessel for brewing and decanting
  • Filtered water
  • A pouring kettle but a regular kettle will also do, however, it requires more precision

When working with whole beans, it’s crucial to make sure to always freshly grind your coffee just before preparation because it quickly loses its aroma and old coffee ends up tasting stale and hollow.







Kiss The Hippo’s recipe for filter: 

Kalita Wave: 21g of coffee ground medium-fine. Add 40g of water, stir to wet all grounds. Add remaining 260g of water and stir for 5 seconds. Use 92° to 95°C water. Brew time: 2:00 minutes.

Kiss The Hippo‘s recipe for espresso:

18.5g of coffee ground fine. Extraction time: 26 – 30 seconds. Yield: 36g

Shokunin’s recipe for filter:

V60: 18g of coffee ground medium. Add 300g of water at 95°C. Brew time: 2:50 minutes.

Shokunin’s recipe for espresso:

20g of coffee ground fine. Extraction time: 26 – 28 seconds. Yield: 44 – 46g.

Sloane’s recipe for filter:

V60: 16g of coffee ground medium-coarse. Add 250ml of water at 91° – 93°C. Brew time 2:30 minutes.
Sloane’s recipe for espresso:
18.5g ground fine. Extraction time 25-30 seconds. Yiel: 37 – 40g.

Were these recipes useful for you? Share your feedback or own recipe in the comments below!


Keen to get your hands on our forthcoming June ’19 coffee box?

Preorder until 15-06 | Ships globally on 20-06

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