Roaster profile: Arctic Coffee Roasters

Roaster profile: Arctic Coffee Roasters

Featured in our upcoming [1/18] coffee box with their Ethiopia, Gona Kera.

Norway is not just a nation that leads by example in many areas of social justice, environmental protection (despite being a major oil producer) and transparency, it is also one of Europe’s leading nations when it comes to specialty coffee. Norwegians are amongst the world’s top per capita consumers of coffee, which may not come entirely as a surprise given those long dark and cold winters, but they also greatly influenced the world by being a defining component of the third wave of coffee.

Coffee roasting at Arctic
Coffee roasting at Arctic

We regularly feature Norwegian roasters because they are just so reliable when it comes to great sourcing and roasting, which ultimately leads to truly outstanding coffees that we simply cannot get enough of. In this month’s box, we have a debutant from the viscinity of Oslo who joins previously featured Norwegians Tim Wendelboe, Langøra, Nord, Lippe and others.

Arctic Coffee Roasters is a family-owned business that is now in its third generation and recently made a venture into specialty coffee roasting. Initially founded as a espresso machine distribution company, Arctic is now headed by Petter Sjulstad and making a name for itself in the renowned Norwegian specialty coffee scene.

For our upcoming January box, Arctic Coffee Roasters will be roasting a truly delicious washed Ethiopian coffee from Gona Kore in the Guji region. They process coffees from somewhere between 700 – 800 smallholder farmers and have been working with Arctic Coffee Roasters’ green coffee importers for some time. As Petter said: “We’re still pretty new and have only been buying from this co-operative but we really like the progress they’ve made.”

The Arctic team
The Arctic team

The coffee is clean and well balanced with hints of grape and crisp apple. We’re glad to welcome another exciting roastery from Norway to The Coffeevine and look forward to sharing this delicious coffee that we specially selected for our upcoming [1/18] coffee box with all of you. Our first box of the year also includes coffees from Italy’s Nero Scuro and Greece’s The Underdog.

For more information, please visit our coffee box page and preorder your box by 15-01 to avoid missing out.

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