Muj Salek Kavy – Prague (CZ)

This cozy neighbourhood café owned by local specialty coffee roasters Doubleshot, offers great food, delicious coffee and wonderful service.

Not far from ESKA in Karlín, there is a cozy coffee bar that belongs to one of Czech’s foremost specialty coffee roasters, Doubleshot.

Muj Salek Kavy – meaning ‘my cup of coffee’ in Czech – offers scrumptious breakfasts, tasty lunches, a fine selection of pastries and Doubleshot’s regularly changing coffee selection. When I walked in, I immediately spotted a face that I already knew from somewhere else.

Batch brew and flat white
Batch brew and flat white

Good ‘ol Pavel Petrik, a Czech barista who I had first met at Silo and then later at Father Carpenter’s in Berlin, had recently moved back to his home country to be part of the ‘exciting food scene in Prague’.

View of the bar
View of the bar

“Don’t get me wrong,” Pavel said. “I really love Berlin, but there’s a lot happening here in Prague, and I wanted to be part of it from the early beginning, if you catch my drift.”


During my first visit to Muj, I had the pulled pork focaccia for lunch, accompanied with a cup of Doubleshot’s Indonesian Tora Toraja brewed with the V60. Then, two days later I returned for an English breakfast and two flat whites.

Indonesia Tora Toraja
Indonesia Tora Toraja

What I particularly liked was the friendly table service and the fact that owners Doubleshot prefer give their cafés different names in an effort to create a unique identity for each one, rather than branding them all Doubleshot.

Inside decor
Inside decor

This is a great place to visit in the wonderfully relaxed Prague 2 neighbourhood.

Opening Times:
Mon - Sat: 9 - 22, Sun: 10 - 18
Price Check:
Espresso: 40 / Flat white: 65
Kees van der Westen Spirit
Coffees On Offer:
various espresso and filter roasts from Doubleshot

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Muj Salek Kavy – Prague (CZ)

This cozy neighbourhood café owned by local specialty coffee roasters Doubleshot, offers great food, delicious coffee and wonderful service.
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