Hola Coffee (Lagasca) in Madrid

This friendly café by one of Madrid's original specialty coffee roasters is a great place to sip coffee, people watch and enjoy life.

The other week, I was wandering around Madrid looking for the best coffee in town. I was there with my parents to celebrate my mum’s birthday. She always loves to go somewhere warm even if on this occasion, Madrid was cool and rainy. This did not deter me, however, from zipping around town in search of coffee glory. The final place I visited during this particular trip was Hola Coffee’s second location in Lagasca.

I know these streets quite well. A few years ago, I was in Madrid on a regular basis. My friend Erica used to live around the corner from this lovely café that showcases Hola Coffee’s full offerings. From the outside, it looks smaller than it really is and it blends in well with its surroundings. I really liked the cube sign on the façade of the building featuring Hola Coffee’s smiling coffee cup.

As you walk in, you are immediately faced by the espresso and brew bar that sports a Modbar espresso machine. Behind is a small kitchen where they prepare various tasty dishes. Going through towards the back, you will find a bigger space that is frequently occupied by people working on their laptops or having small gatherings.

A few hours before heading to this café, I visited Hola Coffee founders Nolo Botana and Pablo Caballero at their office. It was so nice to catch up with them after so many years. Back in the day, I used to regularly pop into their Misión Café, which they have since sold. Now, they are primarily focusing on their own cafés and their expanding roasting operations.

This Hola Coffee outlet is a great place to try their different coffees and I did that by ordering a so-called ‘degustación’, i.e. a coffee flights consisting of a shot of espresso, a cortado and a mini batch brew. What really delighted me was the fact that they use Marvilla ceramics from Mexico City. I’ve been a great fan of this brand for years and only recently stocked up on some lovely cups and serving trays while in Mexico.

If you’re looking for a great coffee experience in the Spanish capital and a place to stock up on delicious coffee beans, pods and other cool gear, then this is your place to go!

Opening Times:
Mon - Sun: 8 - 20
Price Check:
Espresso: €2,50 / Flat White: €3,60 / Filter: €3
Coffees On Offer:

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