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Our brew guide for the January 2023 box

Our brew guide for the January 2023 box

Featuring the CAFEC Flower Dripper and recipes from our three roasters as well as from me, this guide will help you brew great coffee

What a difference 10 hours can make! Just one week ago, I was sitting in the sun shining over Oaxaca and now, I am back in rainy, cold Amsterdam. If there’s one bit of consolation, then it is that I am finally back with my Michal who stayed behind this Christmas to focus on his work and his studies. Three and a half weeks don’t sound like much but they can feel like an eternity when you miss your loved one.

Anyway, despite the grey skies and the hail showering down every now and then, there is also a part of me that is happy to be home. I missed my own bed, ha ha!

Prior to shipping out the January 2023 Coffeevine box this week, I took some time to prepare this month’s brew guide to help you get the most out of the super yummy coffees from Kiss The Hippo, KAWA and Brander that I picked out for this month’s edition.

For my own recipe, I am using a coffee brewer that doesn’t always get a lot of attention but that I personally think is really good. The good old Flower Dripper from CAFEC. Incidentally, KAWA’s recipe also uses this brewer. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the recipes and don’t hesitate to play the songs I put together for this month’s playlist.

Basic Setup

As in any good kitchen or bar, you want to be sure to have a few key items at your disposal that will aid you in preparing a delicious cup of coffee.

These include:

    • Scales (with or without a timer – you can use your phone or your watch)
    • A good quality burr grinder such as the Comandante Grinder
    • Your favourite brew method (Origami, Kalita Wave, V60, AeroPress etc)
    • A clean vessel for brewing and decanting
    • A ladle or stirrer for agitating the grounds
    • Water for brewing
    • A pouring kettle but a regular kettle will also do, however, it requires more precision

Feel free to take a look around our shop to see if there are things that you might like. We have a nice selection of items from Timemore and other brands to help you brew delicious coffees.

It’s very important to always freshly grind your coffee just before preparation because coffee is very volatile and quickly loses its full aroma in a matter of minutes.

You can also vacuum pack your coffee in portions, name and number each batch and then keep it in a dry cool place or put it in the freezer. More information about freshness and how to rest your coffees can be found in this article.

For espresso, I use my home espresso machine, a Profitec Pro600 espresso machine and a Profitec ProT64 grinder.

Can I just say how epic that last shot is? My photographer is David van Woerden btw. He does some great stuff.

My recipe for the Flower Dripper:

Take 12g of coffee and grind it medium/medium-fine. I am using the ABACA papers from CAFEC in combination with the Flower Dripper, both of which we sell in our shop. Boil your water, rinse the paper filter and add your coffee. Give it a good tap to ensure the bed is even. Then, start with a quick bloom using 36g of water at 94°C. After 30 seconds, add up to 100ml of water. Wait for 20 seconds, then add 50g more. Wait for another 20 seconds and then add 40g more. Your total should be 190g.

Once the coffee has completely drained, remove the dripper and give your coffee a good swirl. Pour and enjoy.

Kiss The Hippo’s recipe for filter:

19g dose – 300g yield. 94ºC water. 60g bloom – 30 seconds. 2x 120g pours. Brew time 3-4 minutes. Preferably a Kalita/April brewer or similar flat bottom brewer.

Kiss The Hippo’s recipe for espresso:

18g – 38g. Aim for a 31 second extraction.

KAWA’s recipe for filter:

13g for 200ml (ratio 1:15 to 1:16). Grinder setting somewhere between 20 and 25 clicks on the Comandante. Water should be either filtered or bottled water around 80ppm (use Aquacode if you can). Temperature: 92°C.

Brew device: Flower Dripper with ABACA filter paper. Steps: rinse your filter, add your ground coffee and shake to make the coffee bed more even. Then, pour 50g of water from the center to the sides of the bed every 30 seconds. Target brew time around 2:30 minutes.

KAWA’s recipe for espresso:

18,5g for 40 – 45ml (ratio 1:2 to 1:2,5). Grinder: EK43 around setting 4. Extraction time: 21 – 25 seconds.

Brander’s recipe for filter:

Hario V60: 19g coffee medium coarse grind (7,6 out of 11 on our EK43 grinder). Water 90°C – 50 ppm. Start with a 50ml bloom. At 25 seconds, pour until 130ml, at 1:25 minutes pour until 210ml and at 2:25 minutes, pour until 300ml. Total brewing time is 4 minutes.

Brander’s recipe for espresso:

20g in, 40g out in 26 seconds.

What did you think of these recipes and the coffees from the January 2023 Coffeevine box? Let me know in the comments down below and make sure you subscribe in time for the upcoming February coffee subscription box.

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