Bloom: A Marrakesh roaster who’s shaking things up in Morocco

Bloom: A Marrakesh roaster who’s shaking things up in Morocco

Bloom is our latest roasting partner from the Arab world who is making its debut with a super juicy anaerobic honey processed coffee


Think of Morocco and you’ll probably conjure picture of bustling markets, steaming Tajines, enamel-curling sweet mint tea and courtyards of gorgeous riads (lavish Moroccan homes). Yes, those are all true but there is so much more to this North African country. For one, did you know that it is home to a lot of iconic movie sets from Black Hawk Down to Star Wars?

Specialty coffee does not immediately come to mind when listing the food and drinks that Morocco is known for. In fact the local specialty coffee scene hasn’t really taken off yet. You might say, it’s still in its infancy but that’s why it’s also an exciting time to put a magnifying glass over it and highlight one of its most prominent roasters that is doing something special. Meet Bloom from Marrakesh.

It was founded in 2016 by two friends, Adi Jansen and Tyler Van Riper, who were spending some time in Marrakesh and realised that there was no good coffee to be found anywhere. It’s a story you often hear from people who set up one of the first local specialty coffee businesses in their towns and thank god you have these people because it’s due to them that specialty coffee has been able to spread far and wide.

Marrakesh is not just Morocco’s cultural beating heart. It is also a place known for its fine food, stunning architecture and luxurious hotels. My theory always is, where there is money, there is a market for specialty coffee. People who like the good things in life, will also appreciate the finest coffees they can find.

Since 2016, Bloom has worked hard to build long-lasting relationships with coffee farmers all over the world and offer people in Morocco and further afield a way to discover coffee from a different side. Its café in the heart of Marrakesh is a popular place where you can enjoy all of its seasonal coffees, which are also being served in a growing number of coffee shops around the country. As it so happens, I visited one in Casablanca in May where Bloom’s coffee was also on the menu.

Bloom is only our third roaster from the Arab world to be featured in a Coffeevine box and I’m super excited to introduce them to a wider audience as part of our September 2024 Coffeevine box. For its debut, Bloom will roast a juicy and sweet anaerobic honey processed Bourbon from El Salvadorian producer Andrés Salaverría. It’s got depth and a long sweetness with a tart finish. Absolutely delicious!

To receive this excellent coffee or to order any of our other offerings, just visit our shop now.

Pre-orders close on 15.09.2024 / Ships globally on 20.09.2024

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