Craft House Coffee: Obsessively working towards a better future with coffee

Craft House Coffee: Obsessively working towards a better future with coffee

Craft House Coffee from the UK is a leader in becoming a Carbon Neutral Plus roastery that sources and roasts exceptional coffees

There is a big misconception amongst consumers who think that by simply switching to organic produce or buying brands that advertise their use of biodegradable / compostable packaging, one can wash one’s hands clean of the actual environmental impact of those products, especially those that are imported. I’ve had many conversations with potential customers of my drip bag brand Freshdrip who complained about the single-use plastic wrapper but didn’t want to acknowledge that coffee’s biggest environmental impact comes from it having to travel all the way to Europe to be roasted and packaged.

Indeed, the truth is that drinking coffee in Europe is largely unsustainable by default because it doesn’t grow here. But this doesn’t mean that we cannot or should not enjoy it none the less since there are many ways that roasters and consumers can try to offset the environmental impact of working with and consuming coffee. One leader in this field is Craft House Coffee from the United Kingdom, a roaster who I hold in very high regard and who I’m thrilled to have back on board for a fresh new feature this month.

Founded by Tom Osborne who was obsessively looking for ways to create the best brew, Craft House Coffee is a business that is driven by a desire to celebrate the hard work of producers and to honour their output by bringing out the very best flavour that is locked up inside each little bean. A wholesale roastery by nature, Craft House Coffee has a small but passionate team that scours the world in search of the finest coffees and then uses its magic touch to turn those beans into liquid gold.

I’ve worked with Craft House Coffee a few times in the past and have observed with great interest how this small start up became a formidable force with a very strong track record of minimizing its carbon footprint. It is Carbon Neutral Plus, a proud member of the 1% For The Planet initiative, and it is targeting a zero waste roastery. All of the coffee waste currently goes to a vineyard in the South of England, coffee sacks are gifted to local organisations for upcycling, and its waste is recycled. Although I don’t drink alcohol any more, I would be keen to know if this coffee waste lends any particular flavour characteristics to the wines produced at this vineyard.

After a several years since its last appearance in a Coffeevine box, Craft House Coffee is back with yet another solid entry coming from Guatemalan producer Nery Pablo who runs the Paya farm together with his wife. He inherited a small parcel of land from his parents back in 2010 and has since been on a very steep learning curve to learn how to grow and process outstanding specialty coffees. A few years ago, they joined the El Sendero cooperative that has provided them with access to microcredits and training and which in turn helped them elevate their quality. This coffee is a delicious, classic Guatemalan coffee from Huehuetenango with notes of cherry, blackberry and chamomile.

To receive this outstanding coffee along with its companion coffees from A Matter of Concrete and Bugan Coffee Lab, order our European roasters selection or the Total Package with all coffees including our Global and GEMS roasters selections for April.

Pre-orders close on 15.04.2024 / Ships globally on 20.04.2024

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