Here’s our 10-year anniversary selection for June 2024. Just WOW!

Here’s our 10-year anniversary selection for June 2024. Just WOW!

To celebrate this epic milestone, we're bringing together a high profile list of incredible European and Global roasters in June

I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. And truth be told, there were periods in my life when I wasn’t sure if I’d ever make it this far with my business. After ten years of building The Coffeevine into what it is today, we have finally reached the epic milestone of our 10-year anniversary. This would never have been possible without all of the love and support from our wonderful subscribers, customers, suppliers, partners and fans all over the world, and without my family, friends and the love of my life, Michal.

As we get ready to close this chapter, we open a new one and the future is still unwritten. I have learned so much, grown so much, failed so much and succeeded so much in ways I could have never imagined. When The Coffeevine subscription was born in 2014, I was a green nobody who was just trying to live his dream. Today, The Coffeevine is a globally trusted and admired coffee subscription that serves hundreds of customers around the world every month. I am so proud of what we have achieved together. So here’s to you. A toast and a very special anniversary box for June 2024.


Nomad from Barcelona in Spain

Barcelona is one of my top favourite European cities after Amsterdam and my own hometown of Hamburg. I could easily move there in a heartbeat or at least, spend a large part of every year there. This is not just because of its enviable lifestyle with endless sunshine, great food, beautiful beaches and a vibrant cultural offering but also thanks to its exceptional coffee scene. Since day one, I have championed Barcelona based roasters like Nomad who was one of the city’s first pioneers back in the day.

Founded by Jordi Mestre, Nomad is a legend in the European coffee scene and has been a regular Coffeevine partner over the years. It’s my pleasure to have this great name back for this very special 10-year anniversary box. For it, they will roast a really delicious Red Bourbon from Gahehe in Burundi. This washed coffee has all of the characteristics that I personally love in an East African coffee. It’s delicate and floral but also has notes of fruit and citrus.

Available with separate filter and espresso profiles.

KAWA from Paris in France

The second roaster that I invited for this very special 10-year anniversary edition is KAWA from Paris who I have also admired and loved for many years. Founded by Alexis Gagnaire and Antoine Vayson de Pradenne, this formidable roaster quickly shot to fame as one of the first Paris-based roasters to use a Loring and for regularly competing in a range of different competitions. I guest brewed coffee at their Paris Coffee Festival booth in 2023 and suggested to the team that they should be part of this box. As you can probably imagine, they loved this idea.

For their feature they will roast a really exceptional coffee from producer Wilton Benitez in Colombia that jumped out at us on the cupping table the other day. It’s a double fermentation washed Castillo variety that has lots of complexity, sweetness and excitement in the cup.

Available with a single profile for filter and espresso.

Origin from London in the UK

My relationship with Origin dates back many years and I am proud that its founder, Tom Sobey, has been a great supporter of The Coffeevine from day one. Every time I run into Tom like at the London Coffee Festival most recently, he always gives me a bear hug and this time, I told him I wanted Origin to be one of our three roasters for this special edition. He didn’t need to be asked twice.

Origin has been at the forefront of the British specialty coffee scene for years and many of its most recent Barista Champions have walked through Origin’s doors. For its long-overdue return to a Coffeevine box, Origin will roast a super tasty anaerobic natural processed Pink Bourbon from Colombia’s Mónica Díaz Ruiz. It’s like rhubarb soda and coffee had a baby!

Available with a single profile for filter and espresso.


Null from Istanbul in Türkiye

For being such a huge country on Europe’s doorstep, Türkiye has not been featured in any of our Coffeevine boxes to date. It’s actually insane if you ask me. We’ve even had a roaster from Lebanon before! Luckily, the long wait for our Turkish amigos is over. Null from Istanbul is the first of hopefully many more to be the ambassador of this beautiful country with a particularly rich coffee history. Though we’re not going to feature any ibrik just yet, Null is one of the many specialty coffee roasters who have popped up all over the nation in the last decade.

For its Coffeevine debut in June, Null will roast a really outstanding anaerobic washed processed coffee form Rumudamo in Sidama. This coffee is juicy and sweet with lots of complexity and different layers in the cup. A real beauty!

Available with a filter roast profile.

Criteria by Craig from Melbourne in Australia

Craig Simon is a multi-award winning barista from downunder who has represented his country on the world stage many times. Now retired from competitions, he is focusing on sourcing, roasting and sharing the most exceptional coffees from producers from around the world. His roastery Criteria is highly regarded in the Aussie coffee scene and Craig also offers his production space to smaller roasters who need a place to roast their coffees. I’m super excited to have Criteria in this very special 10-year anniversary box with a beautiful Costa Rican coffee from The Santuario Project.

This coffee was produced by Camilo Merizalde with the unique anaerobic natural barrel Mossto process that gives this coffee an extra level of juiciness and depth. A real joy to brew!

Available with a filter roast profile.


For the 17th GEMS release, which coincides with our 10-year anniversary box, we are showcasing another delicious coffee roasted by our dear friend Daniel Horbat who is a former World Cup Tasting Champion and who lives in Dublin. I first met Daniel at various coffee festivals and we became good friends. He was previously featured in the GEMS series with a different coffee from Diego Bermudez.

For his June return, Daniel will roast for us a super exciting and unusual coffee from Rafael Vinhal, a Brazilian producer who I worked with a few years ago via Man Met Bril. Rafael and his family are dedicated to producing exceptional lots that will change your mind about Brazilian coffees in a heartbeat. For this GEMS release, I picked a Topazio variety that was processed with a triple fermentation washed process. Expect lemongrass and magnolia notes. Oh what a joy!

Available with a single roast profile for filter and espresso.

We bring you one step closer to the world’s best roasters.

You can choose between our European, Global or GEMS selections.

Find out more on the product pages or view our shop to see all options.

You can order this selection until 15.06.2024 / All June 2024 boxes will ship on 20.06.2024

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