Mirra Coffee: A Nordic roastery at home in upstate New York

Mirra Coffee: A Nordic roastery at home in upstate New York

Will Warren' Mirra Coffee from upstate New York will make its Coffeevine debut in August with our first-ever Sidra cultivar. Not to be missed

Nordic Countries have served as great inspiration for many things that have become everyday things to most of us. From IKEA shopping to listening to Robyn, enjoying a bit of hygge or sweating it out in the sauna. For a relatively sparsely populated part of the world, the Nordics have really punched above their weight on many fronts. Not to mention Denmark and Finland regularly winning the ‘Happiest Country In the World’ index and all of them setting the bar high for gender equality and progressive social policies.

Also in the world of food and drink, the Nordics have been at the top of their game. Noma, the famed restaurant in Copenhagen was the world’s best for many years and beer brewers like Mikkeler have become globally known brands. Specialty coffee is no exception. With a handful of former World Barista Champions hailing from the Nordics and many Nordic roasters being revered the whole world over, this particular brand of specialty coffee culture is truly a phenomenon in its own right. No wonder so many roasters from around the world reference Nordic coffee culture as the main inspiration behind their own businesses.

One such roaster is Will Warren from Kingston in upstate New York who spent some time working in the Nordics and Berlin in 2021. It was there that he fell in love with this particular way of sourcing, roasting and serving coffee. And when he decided to return to his native New York, he set up Mirra, a contemporary Nordic roastery that aims to combine Scandi influences with an American touch.

When I first came across Mirra, I was immediately drawn to its compelling story and beautiful packaging, though it was only later that I leared what Mirra actually is. It’s a bitter type of coffee served in some Turkish provinces as well as in Syria and Lebanon. Its small servings resemble Italian espresso cups and I have to say, I had never heard the term before but I am glad I learned something new today. Funnily enough, Mirra’s approach to coffee is the total opposite, however.

It works with hyper-local small-scale producers whose hard work is showcased in small carefully produced lots. Mirra prefers these kinds of relationships as they allow for much better engagement with the producer and offer a unique opportunity to have an impact at origin. The coffees are then roasted to bring out all the natural sweetness and delicate flavours that are trapped inside the beans. No sign of bitterness here!  This became evident when we cupped the coffees that Will sent over for our selection process. Both Colombian lots were sweet, fruity and offered a beautiful balanced mouthfeel.

For Mirra’s debut in our upcoming Global coffee roasters selection in August, it will roast a delicious Sidra cultivar from Colombia’s Finca La Esmeralda, which is run by Norbey Quimbayo. It also happens to be our first time showcasing this particular cultivar.

The Sidra cultivar is something of a mythical being since its exact origins are somewhat debated. One theory says that it originated at a Nestle lab in Ecuador when researchers crossbred Typica with Bourbon cultivars, while the other theory is that it is a landrace native to Ethiopia. It certainly does offer a very uniquely Ethiopian cup quality that has a lot of delicate florals and citrus notes. No matter which theory you subscribe to, this is a coffee that really stands out.

To receive this excellent coffee along with our other Global roasters pick from Coffee Libre or to order any of our other offerings, just visit our shop now.

Pre-orders close on 15.08.2024 / Ships globally on 20.08.2024

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