Prepare to be dazzled by our expansive October 2024 edition

Prepare to be dazzled by our expansive October 2024 edition

Our forthcoming October 2024 Coffeevine box will offer seven exceptional coffees from Sweven, Nano Kaffee, Andy Roasters and more.

I am always amazed at how everything in life can change in a heartbeat. One minute you’re happy, the next you think the world is ending. One minute it’s sunny, the next there’s a torrential downpour. One minute your coffee is tasting fabulous, then it doesn’t. We often forget just how fleeting certain moments and feelings can be, especially in this age of supercharged dopamine hits coming from your phone and the world around you. That’s why it’s super important to take a breath and remind oneself that we all need to give ourselves a break.

What better way to do that than with a fresh and truly outstanding selection of coffees from seven talented roasters? For the upcoming October 2024 edition, we’re teaming up with the likes of Sweven, Nano Kaffee, Andy Roasters, Offshoot, Shavi, Ojo de Café and Shokunin. Take a look below at this excellent edition.


Sweven from Bristol, UK

Bristol is one of those underrated cities that really surprises you when you visit. It’s got a vibrant student population, it’s super hilly with stunning views at every corner and it’s one of the UK’s most exciting foodie paradises. It’s where the famous street artist Banksy is from and it’s home to the marvellous Clifton suspension bridge. Its coffee scene is also great with many excellent cafés and roasters such as Sweven. I’ve had my eye on Sweven for a while now and when I visited Bristol back in April, I made a beeline for Sweven’s café to have a taste of its excellent coffees.

It’s been a while since we last featured a Bristol-based roaster in one of our boxes and Sweven surely is a worthy ambassador to represent the city’s fine coffee scene in The Coffeevine’s October edition. It will roast for us a citrusy and fragrant washed Ethiopian coffee from Chelbesa.

Available with separate roast profiles for filter and espresso.

Nano Kaffee from Berlin, Germany

There was a time when I visited Berlin a few times a year to hit its infamous clubs back when I was still a bit of a party monster. But I also loved spending time in Berlin’s excellent specialty coffee shops and meeting people like Ramin Massah who ran one of the German capital’s most iconic cafés for many years. Nano Kaffee was the kind of neighbourhood living room where people gathered to try the latest lots from a range of fine roasters, buy accessories or gossip about their work colleagues during lunch break.

Sadly, earlier this year, Nano Kaffee closed its café to focus entirely on roasting, which it only took up recently. Thus, it struck me as a pretty unique opportunity to collaborate with Ramin and his team on introducing Nano Kaffee’s newest venture. For its Coffeevine debut, it will roast a natural processed Rwandan coffee that is both sweet and creamy.

Available with a single profile for filter and espresso.

Andy Roasters from Antwerp, Belgium

When I first launched The Coffeevine over ten years ago as my personal café guide, I remember visiting Antwerp and finding a great deal of excellent coffee shops that were already firmly embracing the new third wave café trend. And in the years since, Antwerp continued to refine its coffee culture and added lots of great roasters to its map, many of which have been featured in The Coffeevine over the years. Andy Roasters, a more recent arrival from 2020 was first featured in 2023 to rave reviews from our customers and now, Dave Haessen and Kjell Maes are returning to The Coffeevine with a layered and pleasing anaerobic processed Brazilian coffee from Cabeceira do Cachoeirão.

Available with separate roast profiles for filter and espresso.


Offshoot from Perth, Australia

Everybody knows that Australia has one of the world’s finest specialty coffee scenes. Period. It’s the place where the Flat White was allegedly born and home to one of the most recent World Barista Champions, Anthony Douglas. Few people know that Australia even grows its own specialty coffee but its output is too small to be widely available. Over the past few years, we’ve highlighted a few great Aussie roasters but all of them so far have been from the East of the country. Now, we’re shining the light on the West, Perth to be precise. Perth is one of the world’s most isolated major cities and people in Western Australia are known for being very entrepreneurial and self sufficient.

Offshoot was founded by Rummy Keshet in 2018 and has since become a fixture in the local coffee scene. Its roastery and café are places where local customers and coffee producers can meet and create connections. For the October 2024 Coffeevine box, we invited Offshoot to participate with a really fabulous floral and delicate washed Ethiopian coffee from Rachia.

Available with a filter roast profile.

Shavi from Tbilisi, Georgia

I’ve been shipping coffee to Georgia for about four years now and still have fond memories of my visit to this small Caucasus country back in 2010. Its stunning mountains and rich valleys make it a perfect place for hikers and its food has gained quite a bit of popularity internationally in recent years. That’s why I am really excited to feature our first Georgian roaster in the upcoming October 2024 Coffeevine edition. It’s called Shavi and it was set up by Portland transplant Ryan McCarrel who moved to Georgia and brought with him all his experience from working in the US coffee scene.

Shavi runs a few cafés in Tbilisi and has been at the forefront of putting specialty coffee on the map in this country. For its Coffeevine debut, Shavi will roast a intenso yeast washed Burundian coffee from Kibingo station.

Available with a filter roast profile.


Shokunin from Rotterdam, France

Founded by Jelle van Rossum, Shokunin is an innovative roastery that has been working hard to build strong links with producers, particularly in Colombia, and have a positive impact both at origin and at home. Before founding Shokunin, Jelle spent a few years working at different Rotterdam roasters where he gained his knowledge about roasting and sourcing, which he was able to skilfully apply to his own venture later.

We previously featured Shokunin a few years ago but its name came up during a conversation I had with a local café owner in The Hague who told me that Shokunin had super tasty decafs. Thus, I invited Shokunin to be our decaf guest roaster for October with a really delicious sugar cane decaf from Colombia.

Available with a filter roast profile.


Ojo de Café from Bern, Switzerland

This limited edition release that features super exclusive micro lots from boutique roasters every two months will offer a real treat in October. It will contain an elegant and really fabulous SL28 cultivar from Alejo Castro’s Volcán Azul in Costa Rica that will be roasted by Ojo de Café in Bern. I’ve been a huge fan of Alejo’s work and I’m always thrilled when I can offer one of his coffees in our coffee boxes. This one, is a Kenyan cultivar, which has the acidity of an African coffee and the fruitiness of a Central American natural processed Red Bourbon or Catuaí. This particular lot is was processed with a natural anaerobic process that lends it a sweet finish and a fine tickle on the tongue.

Available with a filter roast profile.


We bring you one step closer to the world’s best roasters.

Find the complete selection of coffees for October in our shop now.

You can order this selection until 15.10.2024 / All September boxes will ship on 20.10.2024

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