Prolog Coffee: Copenhagen’s finest roaster returns with the goods

Prolog Coffee: Copenhagen’s finest roaster returns with the goods

Award-winning boutique roaster Prolog from Copenhagen join us in the January 2024 Coffeevine box with a classic washed Ethiopian coffee

Many years ago, I visited Copenhagen as part of a slightly ad-hoc and not well thought through trip to Oslo, Stockholm and the Danish capital that my friend Erica and I undertook with some help of Airbnb. The idea was that we’d stay in Airbnbs, visit different coffee places in each city and make a video about it. We were both young and naïve with practically zero experience in video work and as you might expect, the results were pretty crap but we did get to interview Tim Wendelboe, spend time with Robert Thoresen and Joanna Alm, and explore coffee shops in Copenhagen.

Prolog, one of the city’s modern roasters, wasn’t around then but since Jonas Gehl and Sebastian Quistorff first opened their doors in 2016, Prolog has become a specialty coffee destination in its own right. Located in the funky former Meatpacking district that I spent some time in during a more recent visit to Copenhagen, the Prolog café attracts an eclectic crowd that comes to enjoy its exquisite coffees.

We first worked with Prolog back in 2021 when they debuted in our European coffee roasters box with a delicious washed Mexican coffee from Oaxaca. This Mexican state in the south of the country is very close to my heart given that it’s where I spend almost all of my winters and it was a great opportunity to showcase fine Mexican coffees, which are still quite hard to get in Europe.

For Jonas, Sebastian and their team, Prolog stands for new beginnings. Every coffee is a new opportunity to tell a story, one that begins at the origin and continues with the roastery and end with the magic in your cup. Given coffee’s complicated environmental impact, sustainability plays a very important role for Prolog, which is why in 2022 it became a B-Corp that regularly publishes a sustainability and transparency report.

For a relatively small country, Denmark has an enviable track record when it comes to winning competitions, boasting three World Barista Champions amongst many other accolades. Jonas has won the Danish Barista Championships twice and regularly judges competitions together with coffee professionals like my dear Anne Lunnel of Koppi and Gabriella Runesson of Morgon Coffee.

We invited Prolog to return to The Coffeevine in January and for this first box of the year, they will be roasting for us a classic washed Ethiopian coffee from Chelbesa. This coffee stood out on the cupping table thanks to its pronounced flavour profile with notes of earl grey with a dash of cream. This is your ideal everyday kind of coffee that perfectly represents the highest quality coffees from Ethiopia.

To receive this outstanding coffee and its companions for the January 2024 Coffeevine box with European roasters, visit the shop page to view our various boxes or buy the Total package that also includes our Global roasters selection for January. Pre-orders close on 15.01.2024 / Ships globally on 22.01.2024

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