Discover our fresh and delicious lineup for January

Discover our fresh and delicious lineup for January

Start the new year with a bang and discover our exceptional selection of coffees from Blossom, Nowhere, Prolog, Dune and Floozy in January

Our December 2023 editions shipped only a few days ago and we are all looking forward to taking some time off over the upcoming holidays so we can let our souls dangle and our bodies rest. This year has been truly incredible on so many levels and on a personal note, allowed me to reach many mile stones, including turning 40.

None the less, I am also really looking forward to the new year 2024 and to kick things off with a bang. That’s why the upcoming European and Global roasters selections for January are going to be nothing short of epic. Let’s dive right in.


Blossom from Manchester

Twenty years ago, I moved to the north of England to start my three-year Bachelor degree at Lancaster University. Previously, I had lived in Oxford for two years where I had gotten acquainted with life in England but Lancaster was quite a different kettle of fish as they say. Throughout those three years and on many occasions in the years that followed, I visited the nearby city of Manchester, a former industrial powerhouse that also gave birth to some of the biggest bands the world has seen.

Though I have not been back in a long time, I know the city developed a small but vibrant specialty coffee scene in recent years and Blossom is undoubtedly one of its finest roasters. We’ve worked with Blossom once before and at the time, their coffee got rave reviews. It was thus only a matter of time before these northern lights got invited to have a second crack at being a Coffeevine partner. See what I did there?

For the upcoming January 2024 Coffeevine box they will be roasting a gorgeous natural processed Ethiopian coffee from Shoondhisa in Guji. This coffee wowed us on the cupping table with its fine aroma of spiced wine and a cup profile with notes of stewed strawberries and lavender.

Nowhere Future Coffee Roasters from Milan

Just the other day I was in Milan to attend the Milan Coffee Festival. While in town, I also spent some time visiting some of the city’s hottest coffee bars, one of which is the new flagship café of local roasting shooting stars Nowhere.

Largely due to the fabulous people who founded the business and their staff, Nowhere became everybody’s darling in literally no time and convinced coffee aficionados with its fine range of outstanding roasted coffees. In 2022, I even hosted a cupping in their previous flag ship café and featured one of their coffees once before.

After spending some time with the guys in Milan recently, I invited them to submit some coffees for the January box cupping and we were absolutely delighted with their natural processed Indonesian coffee from the Ijen Highlands in East Java. Indonesian coffees are still somewhat of a rarity in our boxes and when we get our hands on a really great lot, we have to include it in our selection. Expect a sweet and savoury cup with notes of mango lassi, liquorice and creamy cacao.

Prolog from Copenhagen

The third European roaster for January is another great name that we’ve only worked with once before. They are Prolog from Copenhagen who have gained a lot of fame in recent years thanks to one of its founders, Jonas Gehl, twice winning the Danish Barista Championships and Prolog generally sourcing exceptional coffees that are roasted and served to perfection.

When Prolog made its Coffeevine debut in 2021, they offered us a beautiful coffee from Oaxaca State in Mexico, a place that I have a very personal connection with given that it’s where my family has a home. For the January box, Prolog will be roasting for us a beautiful washed Ethiopian coffee from Chelbesa, a producer we love.

This coffee stood out on the cupping table thanks to its floral and delicate cup profile with notes of black tea, citrus and peach.



Dune from Santa Barbara

California has inspired countless songs, movies, books and it still feels people’s imaginations with a sense of wonder. When I was last in Los Angeles, I came across a really funky specialty coffee scene that has since exploded. But it’s not just in the big cities like San Franciso, LA and San Diego that you can find great roasters. The smaller coastal towns also have some exciting coffee businesses that we are happy to continue shining the spotlight on.

One such business in Dune from Santa Barbara that originally started as a small surfer café and has since grown to include a fully fledged roastery and four cafés in the Santa Barbara area.

For their Coffeevine debut, Dune will be roasting a really fruity and vibrant natural anaerobic processed coffee from young Colombian producer Gerson Mora. This coffee was a real standout on the cupping table thanks to its fresh and fruity cup profile with notes of mandarin, guava and dark chocolate.

Floozy from Newcastle

Downunder is home to some of the best roasters in the world; people who have greatly shaped the specialty coffee industry in the most profound ways. In the past, we have worked with a number of different Aussie roasters and the January 2024 box will contain yet another exciting name that was repeatedly suggested to us by our Instagram followers: Floozy.

This women-led business from Newcastle in New South Wales is aiming to bring more diversity to the coffee industry and shining the light on often overlooked minorities. They will be making their Coffeevine debut with a delicious washed Colombian coffee from Los Idolos, a collective of small-holder farmers from the Huila region.

We loved this coffee because it is your perfect everyday cup of coffee that you will enjoy at any time of the day. Expect notes of sweet melon, panela and orange.

We bring you one step closer to the world’s best roasters.

You can choose between our European and Global coffee roasters boxes or simply order them all in our brand new ‘total package’ box. Find out more on the product pages or view our shop to see all options.

You can order this selection until 15.01.2024 / All January 2024 boxes will ship on 22.01.2024

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5 months ago

try Brazil Peisino filter coffee by Commonfolk from Australia XD

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