September Coffee: From YouTube success to acing a Kickstarter campaign

September Coffee: From YouTube success to acing a Kickstarter campaign

Canada's September Coffee is making its Coffeevine debut with a super juicy and delicious Chiroso variety from David Berrio in Colombia


The internet is full of talented and interesting YouTubers, Tiktokkers, Instagrammers and other content creators who have really helped thousands if not millions of people around the world to improve their coffee games. I, for one, follow many of them and have avidly implemented many of their tips and tricks over the years but I also just enjoy their funny videos for entertainment value.

It’s also very common for most content creators to use their platforms to create new businesses. Whether they’re launching a beauty brand, opening a burger chain or releasing an album, there’s no limit to the creative outputs that lead to these content creators’ cash registers going ‘ching ching’. In the coffee industry, there is one content creator who went from YouTuber to coffee roaster and that is Mr Kyle Roswell from Canada. With over 123k subscribers, Kyle has been creating engaging videos on everything coffee for years and in 2022, decided to start a hugely successful Kickstarter campaign to help fun a new roastery that he wanted to set up with his wife Natasha.

That’s how September Coffee was born. Not only did they massively exceed their funding target, the campaign also helped to create a big buzz around this boutique roastery that also immediatly caught my attention. That’s why I reached out to September Coffee back in 2023 to get the ball rolling on a partnership for our Global coffee roasters selection but with some important changes in the pipeline at September Coffee, i.e. the installation of a brand new Loring S15 roaster, we had to hold off until now. It was worth the wait!

September Coffee is based in the Canadian capital city of Ottawa and its mission is simple. They want ‘to work with small producers and farmers to share their finest work and aim for transparency and incredible quality in each sip.’ From really beautiful packaging that features its iconic showers branding to the exquisite coffees it has been sourcing since the launch, September Coffee has done a lot of things right to build a solid following around the world.

For its imminient Coffeevine feature, September Coffee will be roasting for us a super delicious Chiroso variety from Colombian producer David Berrio. It’s no exaggeration when we say that this coffee is a real labour of love. The farm, Finca La Casita, is located in a very remote location without access to a main road. The coffee, after being picked, is stored in sacks for two days before being transported by horse to the nearest road and then taken to the wet mill for processing.

This coffee really stood out on the cupping table the other day thanks to its juicy cup profile and clean after taste. The Chiroso variety is not very common and has never been featured in any of our boxes before so we’re quite excited to bring you this delicious coffee that is part of our July 2024 Global Coffee roasters selection alongside a gorgeous coffee from Ritrovare in Taiwan.


To receive this excellent coffee, order our Global roasters selections or our Total Package that also includes our European roasters for July from our shop.

Pre-orders close on 15.07.2024 / Ships globally on 22.07.2024

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