SlowMov – Ethiopia: Tsehay

SlowMov – Ethiopia: Tsehay

Discover a gorgeous natural-processed Ethiopia from producer Tsehay Kabtamu roasted by our new friends from SlowMov in Barcelona

Barcelona is one of my most favourite cities and I’ve been trying to document its fine specialty coffee scene for many years, always marvelling at local roasters’ passion and commitment to innovation. As a result, we’ve featured nearly all of Barcelona’s leading specialty coffee roasters so far, with the exception of one. SlowMov.

Founded in 2015 by husband and wife team François Justet and Carmen Callizo, SlowMov is one of the city’s rising stars and a leader in sustainibility. Their bags are fully compostible and they offer loyalty discounts to customers who bring their own reusable cups and refillable containers.

When it comes to their coffee sourcing, they try to always find exciting micro-lots from around the world that speak of the terroir and showcase interesting work being done by different producers. This includes unusual Indonesian coffees as much as a host of exquisite Ethiopian coffees, an origin they have a particular affinity to.

They roast their coffees inside their roastery-cum-café in the center of the city on a Giesen W5 roaster and their shop’s design is such that it invites participation and conversation from customers who can see the roasting up close and thereby see the process first hand.

For us, it’s great to have yet another talented roasting company from Barcelona in one of our boxes and to get a chance to tell their story. François and Carmen are absolutely lovely people who have managed to build a loyal following not just in Spain but further afield too.

The coffee they will be roasting for us in December is a gorgeous natural-processed Ethiopian from producer Tsehay Kabtamu who is based in Yirgacheffe. Coffees from this region are known for their floral and tea-like characteristics and this coffee offers gorgeous Jasmin and rose-tea notes that will be a true crowd pleaser.

Furthermore, unlike many other Ethiopian coffees, this doesn’t come from hundreds of smallholder farmers but from a single farmer who employs organic growing methods and happens to be a woman. We are always proud to feature coffees from female producers who form an integral part of a still largely male-dominated industry.

Most of the coffees originating in this region are manually processed and the vast majority are natural-processed coffees. Currently, there are around 40 farmers who form part of the Jabanto Group.

We’re excited to share this coffee with you in the December 2021 Coffeevine box alongside delicious coffees from Ditta Artigianale and MOK.

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