The Amsterdam Coffee Guide

The Amsterdam Coffee Guide

A selection of the 16 most exciting specialty coffee bars in our beautiful hometown Amsterdam. Discover the best the city has to offer.

This is where it all began. In the fairytale called Amsterdam. This is where The Coffeevine first saw the light of day in 2013 and from where we set sail to discover the world of specialty coffee. Much has changed over the years, coffee places came and went but the core of the city’s finest coffee shops is still around and we have a few new places that have recently joined the scene.

Our iconic city
Our iconic city

Ok, you may be surprised at our selection, and yes, it doesn’t contain some of the most obvious choices, but this is because we wanted to highlight a few alternative picks, some newer places and a couple of old favourites that maybe don’t get covered as often.

Here’s our 2023 guide to the best coffee places in town. And for those of you who are keen to see more of the city than just coffee bars, here our Essential Amsterdam Guide.


Combining a spectacular wine list with the best filter coffee in town and some truly spectacular food, 4850 is raising the bar high indeed. Run by Rikard Andersson and Daniel Schein, two Swedish expats, 4850 is bright, friendly and definitely a place that you must visit before you die.

Camperstraat 48-50,1091 AH Amsterdam – Read our full review of 4850

The perfect serve


This consulate general of Belgian superstar roasters Caffènation is run by the most charismatic man in the local coffee scene and is as much about him than it is about coffee. Anyone who doesn’t get completely besotted with Bert van Wassenhove is clearly made of stone.

Warmondstraat 120, 1058 KZ Amsterdam – Read our full review of Caffènation

Signature drink + Bert
Signature drink + Bert


This fresh take on affordable co-working coupled with gorgeous design and excellent coffee is the brainchild of Yulia Nikitina who previously opened and ran Coffee Sometime. At Venu, you can book a desk, table or meeting room by the hour and you don’t need a membership to use this beautiful space as your temporary office. The coffee comes from Single Estate Coffee Roasters.

Haarlemmerdijk 138, 1013 JJ Amsterdam – Read our full review of VENU

Venu - The Coffeevine - Different seating arrangements

Five ways West

Right on the corner of the Kinkerstraat, commonly referred to as Kinky, and the busy Ten Kate market is Five Ways West, their other location in East is also great. This lovely coffee shop run by my dear friend Ben Benjamin Kozica-O’Callaghan is a lovely neighbourhood spot that serves epic coffee, delicious pastries and offers impeccable people watching.

Kinkerstraat 186, 1053 EM Amsterdam – Read our full review of Five Ways West

Back to Black (Van Hall)

Most people in Amsterdam know Back To Black, the friendly and cosy living room style café near the Rijksmuseum, but only a handful of people know that founders Inge Bulthuis and Noortjes Flutters recently opened a second location in the Westerpark neighbourhood. Same great coffee, more space and fewer tourists.

Van Hallstraat 268, 1051 HM Amsterdam – Read our full review of Back to Black

Coffee in a swing = heaven
Coffee in a swing = heaven


Yes, Toki is very hip and yes it is a coffee shop owner’s dream come true. Run by the charismatic Jeff Flink who used to work in advertising, Toki champions beans roasted in Berlin (Bonanza), locally baked cakes, excellent teas and very good craft beer.

Binnen Dommersstraat 15, 1013 HK Amsterdam – Read our full review of TOKI



You might be forgiven to think that this place looks familiar. Uncommon took over the premises of a previously highly rated café and kept many of its original elements in place. What’s new is excellent range of own roasted coffees (under the name Common Greens), a fresh and largely vegan food menu and Aussie hospitality that makes you feel at home right away.

Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat 63H, 1054 BT Amsterdam – Read our full review of Uncommon


Scandinavian Embassy

This ground-breaking coffee bar and fine food place in De Pijp hardly needs an introduction. Most people will have heard of it already, but if you haven’t, this is the place to enjoy exquisite coffees from Nordic roasters, discover rare and exotic Sweden and coffee inspired dishes and to indulge in the city’s best cinnamon buns.

Sarphatipark 34, 1072 PB Amsterdam – Read our full review of Scandinavian Embassy

A very good flat white

Coffee Bru

The first specialty coffee bar in Oost and to this day one of the friendly places in the city recently – well about one year ago – got a facelift and is now even brighter and more welcoming than ever. Excellent cakes, great sandwiches and banging coffee are the rule here.

Beukenplein 14, 1092 Amsterdam – Read our full review of Coffee Bru

The colourful interior with its communal tables
The colourful interior with its communal tables


Lex Wenneker and Dylan Sedgwick opened FUKU earlier this year after Lex’s incredible 2nd place in the World Barista Championships. FUKU is a fun and friendly café that in the Bos en Lommer neighbourhood of Amsterdam where the two owners serve their epic Friedhats coffees, natural wines and sourdough bread with artisan cheese.

Bos en Lommerweg 136 HS, 1055 ED Amsterdam – Read our full review of FUKU


Public Space

This beautiful café in Amsterdam Noord really set the bar high for others to follow. The interior, featuring carefully selected vintage and contemporary furniture, and its unique industrial look are worth a visit in their own right. Add to that outstanding service, excellent coffee and really tasty food and you’ve got a winning concept.

 Bercylaan 301, 1031 KP Amsterdam – Read our full review of Public Space



You are forgiven if you cannot pronounce the name of this cool new place by the founder of legendary Amsterdam roaster White Label Coffee. It is not a second White Label though, as co-founder Elmer Oomkens was quick to add during my visit. This place that is housed inside a former brother, offers a fine selection of delishious dishes, natural wines, craft beer and, of course, the yummy coffees from White Label that everyone is so crazy about.

Overtoom 558, 1054 LN Amsterdam – read our full review of Schuurmanoomkensgrassotti



Hidden away on one of Amsterdam’s most notorious yet fast-changing streets, there is a cute new multi-roaster café with a strong focus on sustainability. The interior feels like you’re sitting in someone’s living room and the people-watching from the window is really great. So grab yourself a coffee and a vegan pastry and just enjoy the view.

Spuistraat 217, 1012 VN Amsterdam – Read our full review of Hummingbird



This wonderful little food kiosk on the Kwakersplein is run by a British/Greek man called Nick Mostrous who came to Amsterdam following his marriage to his Dutch wife Marloes. They took over one of the many empty food kiosks that were set up around town as part of a trial in 2013 to diversify the food industry but many of them never took off. Ikaria is the opposite. It serves excellent coffee, including the best Freddo Cappuchino in Amsterdam.

Bilderdijkstraat 108k, 1053 KZ Amsterdam – Read our full review of Ikaria

The Coffee District

This lovely coffee bar that has two locations alongside Vondelpark is focussed on outstanding locally roasted coffees, delicious cakes and beautiful design. Adil and Rosa have carved out a really nice little corner of Amsterdam that was previously ignored by other coffee entrepreneurs.

Hendrik Jacobszstraat 18, 1075 PD Amsterdam and Willemsparkweg 8h, 1071 HD Amsterdam – Read our full review of The Coffee District 1 and The Coffee District 2.

Saint Jean

Vegan pastries have had a hard time taking off. Truth be told, real butter is still very hard to imitate but there are some people who have come extremely close to fooling our senses. One of them has to be Saint Jean, the friendly neighbourhood café in the Jordaan.

Run by a friendly international team, Saint Jean makes some of the tastiest cruffins and pains au chocolat in the city, completely plant-based. And they serve coffee from our dear friends at DAK. Tasting is believing.

Lindengracht 158h, 1015 KK Amsterdam – read our full review of Saint Jean

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Rob de Visser
6 years ago

Hi Alex,

Al een tijd volgen wij alle leuke koffieblogs die je schrijft over allerlei koffiezaakjes. Superleuk om op basis daarvan allemaal mooie nieuwe plekjes te ontdekken! Thanks daarvoor 😉

Al 10 jaar had ik de droom om een eigen horecazaakje te starten en heb de afgelopen 2 jaar door de hele stad gezocht voor een leuke plek. Kilometers door de stad gelopen samen met mijn vrouw Maura op zoek naar dat unieke plekje. En nu! hebben we die dus gevonden en zijn we inmiddels, met veel plezier, 3 weekjes open. We hebben een mooi hoekpandje gevonden met een mooi terras op de Haarlemmermeerstraat net naast Surinamerplein en wat een oud (smerig) Braziliaans restaurantje was hebben we helemaal verbouwd in 3 maanden tijd en ziet er nu (vinden wij) een stuk leuker uit :p Met de inspiratie die we hebben opgedaan uit allerlei leuke tentjes die we de afgelopen jaren hebben bezocht hebben we dit tentje zelf opgeknapt. Buiten koffie om verkopen we ook nog een aantal speciaal bieren en zijn we in de avond een borrelcafé. Ik zou je graag willen uitnodigen om eens een kopje koffie te komen bij ons! Ik weet niet hoe je dit doorgaans doet als je eventueel een review over ons kan/wil schrijven? Ik hoor het graag van je, groetjes Rob & Maura

5 years ago

Hi, I like most of the cafes mentioned in this list – and also wanted to add a new place in the Jordaan that does excellent coffee using Bocca roasted beans. It’s called Van Gogo’s… and they also make incredible banh mi sandwiches which are everywhere overseas! Lovely place.

4 years ago

De Kaldi Utrechtsestraat has to be in this list! Not only the sweetest owner who passionately works there every day, it’s the only reasonably priced coffee in Amsterdam and so much more delicious than the big chain coffee houses! Oh and don’t forget their iced Cappuccino!


[…] The Amsterdam Coffee Guide | Our top 17 coffee bars in … […]

1 year ago

Badeta Coffee Roasters in de Pijp and Watergraafsmeer should definitely be on this list!
Great coffee, cute look, and friendly people!

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